
Names of The Buddha
Aśvaghoṣa in his Buddhacarita gives a long list of names for the Buddha:

  1. Buddha
  2. Self-existent
  3. Lord of Law (Dharmaraja)
  4. Nayaka
  5. Vinayaka
  6. Caravan Leader
  7. Jina (Victorious One)
  8. The Master-giver of Dharma
  9. The Teacher
  10. Master of the Dharma
  11.  The Lord of the World
  12. The consoler
  13.  The loving-regarder [cf. Avalokiteshvara,]
  14. The Hero
  15. The champion
  16. The victorious one in conflict
  17.  Light of the World
  18. Illuminator of the Knowledge of True Wisdom
  19.  The dispeller of the darkness of ignorance
  20.  Illuminator of the Great Torch
  21. Great Physician
  22. Great Seer
  23. The Healer
  24. Attainer of the Great Vehicle (Mahayana)
  25. Lord of all Dharma
  26.  The Ruler
  27.  Monarch of All Worlds
  28. The Sovereign
  29. Lord of all wisdom
  30. The wise
  31.  the destroyer of the pride of all disputers
  32.  The omniscient
  33. The Arhat
  34.  Possessor of Perfect Knowledge
  35. The Great Buddha
  36.  Lord of Saints
  37. The Victorious
  38. The Perfect Buddha
  39.  Sugata
  40.  The wise one who fulfills the wishes of all beings
  41.  The ruler of the world, bearer of the world
  42. Master of the world
  43.  Sovereign of the world
  44.  Teacher of the world
  45. Preceptor of the world
  46. The Fount of Nectar
  47. The powerful luminary
  48. Bringer of all virtue and all real wealth
  49. Possessor of perfect excellence and all good qualities
  50.  The guide on the road of wisdom who shows the way to Nirvana
  51.  Tathagata without stain, without attachment
  52.  Without uncertainty
In his commentary to the Śūraṅgama SūtraHsuan Hua tells the following fable:
Originally every Buddha had ten thousand names. In time these ten thousand names were reduced to one thousand because people got confused trying to remember them all. For a while every Buddha had a thousand names, but people still couldn’t remember so many, so they were again reduced to one hundred names. Every Buddha had a hundred different names and living beings had a hard time remembering them, so they were shortened again to ten.

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